Changes of the Price of Respiratory Machine in the Current Pandemic

1. Respiratory machine is very important for COVID-19 patients In the treatment of COVID-19 patients, the medical respiratory equipment is a crucial step. Whether it is severe or mild COVID-19, the respiratory machine will be used to prevent them from having breathing difficulties. We can learn from the news that the number of COVID-19 diagnosed every day in the world is on the rise, and the number of confirmed COVID-19 worldwide has exceeded 30 million, among which the number of existing COVID-19 patients in the United States, India, Brazil and other countries has exceeded a million. 2. The COVID-19 affects the price of the respiratory machine Every patient with COVID-19 should be matched with a respiratory machine , but because the respiratory machine is now in short supply of medical equipment. There is simply no way to meet the standard of one respiratory machine per person, and even patients with severe pneumonia may not have a respiratory m...